Reading Festival
Its been a long time since I posted, but thats because I've been out and about alot...
Reading Festival
Pure rock and roll from beginning to end. 23 bands in 3 days, thats only half the story. The things that really make an event special are the little things, the ones that stick in your mind for years. Here's one in particular...
On the first night at around 2am just as we were all relaxing round the fire, a huge jeering chanting crowd of 400 people gathered on the nearest metal walkway. One of our group immediately knew what was going on and jumped up exclaiming "Trolley Wars!" To which we all wandered over to take a closer look. It soon became apparent what Trolley Wars was all about, a simple yet brutal bloodsport. There were two shopping trolleys that were being used as chariots approximately 60ft apart, the baying crowd opened up a thin corridor down the centre no more than a metre wide. The trolley pushers at each end frantically trying to recruit "Drivers" by screaming at people "Get In The Trolley!!" often they would grab reluctant bystanders and just lift them in. As soon as a trolley had a driver off it would go charging as fast as it could be pushed towards the other trolley, no matter if there was a reciprocal driver or not. This when the crowd started a long ooooooooOOOOOOOOO until there was an almighty thud of the two chariots meeting head on, then the cheers and whooping sang out. This was all accompanied by a simple but effective chant, trolley .. trolley ...... trolley . trolley . trolley. I hung around for a while but after seeing too many idiots hurt themselves (the worst ones were when they thought it would be good idea to stand up in the trolley)
Reading Festival
Pure rock and roll from beginning to end. 23 bands in 3 days, thats only half the story. The things that really make an event special are the little things, the ones that stick in your mind for years. Here's one in particular...
On the first night at around 2am just as we were all relaxing round the fire, a huge jeering chanting crowd of 400 people gathered on the nearest metal walkway. One of our group immediately knew what was going on and jumped up exclaiming "Trolley Wars!" To which we all wandered over to take a closer look. It soon became apparent what Trolley Wars was all about, a simple yet brutal bloodsport. There were two shopping trolleys that were being used as chariots approximately 60ft apart, the baying crowd opened up a thin corridor down the centre no more than a metre wide. The trolley pushers at each end frantically trying to recruit "Drivers" by screaming at people "Get In The Trolley!!" often they would grab reluctant bystanders and just lift them in. As soon as a trolley had a driver off it would go charging as fast as it could be pushed towards the other trolley, no matter if there was a reciprocal driver or not. This when the crowd started a long ooooooooOOOOOOOOO until there was an almighty thud of the two chariots meeting head on, then the cheers and whooping sang out. This was all accompanied by a simple but effective chant, trolley .. trolley ...... trolley . trolley . trolley. I hung around for a while but after seeing too many idiots hurt themselves (the worst ones were when they thought it would be good idea to stand up in the trolley)
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